Presidents Day Weekend was Production Weekend at for the Leviathan, the UCSC Jewish Journal. I am the art director. We spent almost all waking hours in the press center. We would work (I would mostly illustrate and edit articles) for a few hours and then take a break. The breaks were the best part: jam sessions with two guitars and a flute (Aaron had a harmonica too!), walks in the field to chase deer and admire the scenery, and of course the mandatory dance breaks. I love all of these people so much, especially Alexandria, Shani, and Aaron. We spent a lot of time together this weekend.
Aaron has been fixing up our website, it's pretty fly:
Alexandria and Aaron hard at work (watching cute animal youtube videos.)

Writing, editing, laying out


The Leviathan (a new band)

Alexandria has big plans.

Rachel = adorable

Rachel and Prescott looking fly.

I love over the shoulder pictures, they always turn out so cool. :P

Dance break!!
