Thursday, November 10, 2011

Amber Skydives!!!

Check it out! It gets cool around the second minute if you don't want to watch all 6 minutes.  My Hungarian guide took this entire video with a camera attached to his wrist.

I would shorten it and change the music but I don't have time right now. Any song suggestions? 
Sam suggested "Falling" by the Beatles.


  1. AMBER
    This is amazing! It is so exciting! Your free fall was 40 seconds, dude! :-0 Im so glad you did this way to go. You are so brave! 12,000 feet jumping out of a plane! You go girl. Cant wait to show your Mom. She will be so scared.
    love d.a.d.

    You are uber brave and it was soooo fun to watch this video. It seemed like you were relieved to pop out of the clouds and to have your chute be open! It looked like you had fun steering it too. You have me beat... I have only jumped out of a plane ONCE! Keep on keepin' on OK?
    Love, Uncle Jimmy

  3. Amber that was so great. I realize I didn't skydive but j
    ust like your Uncle Jimmy I have only jumped out of a plane once - though it was solo along with 2 other uncles Mikey & Andy and Sean O'Shea. Never got a chance to do it again.
