Sunday, July 8, 2012


This is Hariharalaya, the yoga retreat I stayed at for a week. 

They have a slackline! I practiced every day and now I can turn around on it! I learned at UC Santa Cruz to walk forwards and backwards, and James and I had one with us in New Zealand that we set up on occasionally. I hadn't seen one in a few months; it was so nice to be able to try it again.

The yoga/meditation area. There are plastic curtains you can roll down if it starts to rain.

The art corner.

Lots of nice places to hang out

Walking to the local village with friends from the retreat

Local kids always say hello, they are so cute!


This is Lee, an Australian expatriot who moved to Cambodia. He's been here for a few months, travelling around the country and learning Khmer.

Dad taking his four kids to school.

Homemade mango sorbet ... mmmm... see, being vegan isn't all that bad!

Evening meditation


  1. Balance is so important..and those slack lines
    really cultivate that. You go girl.

  2. Ah to be Young again... wait, you are a Young! Enjoy and explore love a.d.d and thanks for these pics now we can really picture you there! :-) :-)
